Daovua 52100 Nakiri 165mm. Daovua has recently imported some high-quality carbon steel from the USA called 52100, and this promises to improve the quality and performance of their knives. 52100 is a carbon alloy steel originally developed in 1905 for ball bearings and is used for blades of all kinds including kitchen knives.Weight: 6.0 ozs / 172g
Blade Length: 167mm
Overall Length: 318mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 2.5mm
Blade Height at Heel: 54.2mm


Posted By: Natty
5 people found this review helpful
Very attractive knife. Big improvement on the leaf spring series in terms of overall fit and finish (I own a leaf spring gyuto that cuts great, but proved to be too reactive for the conditions I work in). More sanding required to round the spine and other contact surfaces, but otherwise good-to-go out of the box. I got it slightly sharper with a Rika 5000, and it's held a good edge through three weeks of daily use. Surprisingly stain resistant--no patina as of this moment. Dao Vuo exceeds expectations again.
5 people found this review helpful
Very attractive knife. Big improvement on the leaf spring series in terms of overall fit and finish (I own a leaf spring gyuto that cuts great, but proved to be too reactive for the conditions I work in). More sanding required to round the spine and other contact surfaces, but otherwise good-to-go out of the box. I got it slightly sharper with a Rika 5000, and it's held a good edge through three weeks of daily use. Surprisingly stain resistant--no patina as of this moment. Dao Vuo exceeds expectations again.