Experience unparalleled Japanese craftsmanship with Yoshikane Knives, nestled in the heart of Sanjo City, Japan. The legendary Master Blacksmith, Mr. Yamamoto, weaves magic with his unique designs and captivating finishes, transforming every blade into an impeccably detailed work of art. Enter a world where precision meets aesthetic excellence with every Yoshikane knife.
Blacksmith: Yoshikane Hamono
Location: Sanjo City, Japan
Construction: San Mai, Hammer Forged
Edge Steel: White #2
Hardness: HRC 63+-
Cladding: Stainless
Finish: Nashiji
Handle: Octagonal
Weight: 5.7 oz (164 g)
Edge Length: 169 mm
Total Length: 305 mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 3.4 mm
Blade Height at Heel: 49.4 mm