Often, the coarsest stone used in a typical sharpening session, the 1k stone, is called upon to do the lions share of the work. The Shapton Glass 1k waterstone is an outstanding option and value and should be on everyones shortlist for this grit range. Shapton Glass stones are very hard stones ensuring the edges they produce are very precise.
The stone cuts very quickly, making sharpening a pleasure rather than a chore, and wears very slowly, making for a long stone life. The edge off the Shapton Glass 1k is a great toothy edge for kitchen applications or a great stepping off point for the higher levels of refinement most high-quality cutlery is capable of taking. While the Shapton Glass 1k is without a doubt a premium stone, the price tag is very reasonable, making it a great value as well as a great performer. These stones are bonded to tempered glass and measure 210mm 70mm 11mm (8 1/4" 2 3/4" 7/16") with 5mm of usable abrasive thickness. Each stone weighs about 14 oz (400g).
The stone cuts very quickly, making sharpening a pleasure rather than a chore, and wears very slowly, making for a long stone life. The edge off the Shapton Glass 1k is a great toothy edge for kitchen applications or a great stepping off point for the higher levels of refinement most high-quality cutlery is capable of taking. While the Shapton Glass 1k is without a doubt a premium stone, the price tag is very reasonable, making it a great value as well as a great performer. These stones are bonded to tempered glass and measure 210mm 70mm 11mm (8 1/4" 2 3/4" 7/16") with 5mm of usable abrasive thickness. Each stone weighs about 14 oz (400g).


Posted By: Dale Johnson - verified customer
5 people found this review helpful
I own several conventional soaker stones and the Shapton stones ( I already had a 500 ) are splash n go ready to use in less time than it takes to get them out. But the conveniences is less important than the speed of metal movement and the quality of the edge you get. With the 1000 and 500 I get a better edge than working 4 conventional stones end with a 12000. I finish stropping on balsa and two leather strops. This is the only review I've ever felt the need to write. Buy one of these stone and you'll be happier and sharper!
5 people found this review helpful
I own several conventional soaker stones and the Shapton stones ( I already had a 500 ) are splash n go ready to use in less time than it takes to get them out. But the conveniences is less important than the speed of metal movement and the quality of the edge you get. With the 1000 and 500 I get a better edge than working 4 conventional stones end with a 12000. I finish stropping on balsa and two leather strops. This is the only review I've ever felt the need to write. Buy one of these stone and you'll be happier and sharper!

Posted By: Jack - verified customer
3 people found this review helpful
This is one of the first stones I purchased for my knives, and is my most used. The feedback you get from this product line is exceptional. You can see whats coming off the blade, and you can feel how you are hitting the edge.Great Product.
3 people found this review helpful
This is one of the first stones I purchased for my knives, and is my most used. The feedback you get from this product line is exceptional. You can see whats coming off the blade, and you can feel how you are hitting the edge.Great Product.

Posted By: Tyler - verified customer
2 people found this review helpful
This is my first 1k stone and it has been great so far. I also got a 5k stone and as a beginner to the sharpening world, I can get my knives pretty sharp. This is a great product and Mark did a great job getting it to me in a timely manner.
2 people found this review helpful
This is my first 1k stone and it has been great so far. I also got a 5k stone and as a beginner to the sharpening world, I can get my knives pretty sharp. This is a great product and Mark did a great job getting it to me in a timely manner.

Posted By: lbnoble - verified customer
2 people found this review helpful
When I first started trying to sharpen my own knives,a few years ago, I purchased a Shapton GlassStone set-500, 1,4,8K. In hindsight,I think it was a great starter set, & of these stones, the 1K definitely got the most use-a good starting point for factory edges that need refinement & also a base for knives that need further sharpening.
2 people found this review helpful
When I first started trying to sharpen my own knives,a few years ago, I purchased a Shapton GlassStone set-500, 1,4,8K. In hindsight,I think it was a great starter set, & of these stones, the 1K definitely got the most use-a good starting point for factory edges that need refinement & also a base for knives that need further sharpening.