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Ryan Rhodes2 people found this review helpful
I've been using this stone for about 5 months now and I have to second other's opinions that this is the best combo stone I've ever tried. First off it's a full size stone, not some little cheap combo stone you normally run into. I would classify both sides as neither hard nor soft, kind of right in the middle. Both sides feel quite similar to me. They aren't gritty feeling stones in the slightest for me; quite the opposite. It's always hard to describe the feel of a stone but they feel very smooth and forgiving to the point that you aren't sure it's actually cutting even though they most certainly are. Feedback is adequate if not quite as responsive as some of the better stones out there. My favorite thing about this stone is the edge it leaves. I've noticed quite consistently that edges finished on this stone are very durable and long lasting compared to edges finished on some other stones that actually deliver an initially slightly sharper edge . It may be a quirk in my technique or something but I though it was worth mentioning. I've used a lot of different stones over the years and this a nice stone once you make friends with it, especially for a combo stone. Highly recommend. Was this rating helpful to you?
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