Important Magnet Safety Warning!
Disclaimer: Applied Magnets and Chefknivestogo neither assumes nor accepts any liability for damages resulting from the handling or use of magnets. With your purchase, the buyer confirms that you have read and understood the following warnings, the buyer agrees that he/she is responsible for all damages and injuries caused by the magnets, which include personal injuries , property damages and magnet damages. The buyer must agree with the terms before purchase. Pull forces we provided is estimates only, we are not responsible for any inaccuracy of magnet pull force. Please test the pull force before any usage.
Neodymium magnets we sell are very strong. Handling them with care is necessary to prevent personal injuries, property damages and magnet damages.
Magnets the size of a 2 inch cube or larger can cause serious damage to fingers if caught between 2 magnets such as breaking bones or losing finger tips.
Neodymium magnets are brittle; they can be broken or can splinter in a collision. One should wear gloves and protective glasses when handling these magnets, because splinters and/or spacers could disengage and fly from the magnets.
Normal Neodymium magnets will lose their magnetic properties if heated above 175 degrees F (80 degrees C). Higher temperature rare earth neodymium magnets are available in our store.
The strong magnetic fields of neodymium magnets can damage items such as television, computer monitors, credit cards, bank cards, computers, diskettes and other data carriers, video tapes, mechanical watches, hearing aids, loud speakers and VCRs. Pace-makers may be damaged or switch to "Test Mode" in the presence of a strong magnetic force, if a pace-maker is in use, keep a minimum of 3 feet distance.
Children should not be allowed to handle neodymium magnets as they can be dangerous. Small magnets pose a choking hazard and should never be swallowed or inserted into any part of the body.
Under no circumstances should you try to cut, saw or drill the Neodymium magnets! Not only would the magnet break, but the resulting dust from the magnet is very flammable. Neodymium magnets should never be burned, as burning them will create toxic fumes.
Ferrofluid MSDS Information:
Magnetite: 3-15 % by volume
Oil Soluble Dispersant: 6-30 % by volume
Carrier Liquid: 55-91 % by volume
Boiling Point (°F): 401-491
Specific Gravity: 0.92 to 1.47
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): 1 at 100°F
Percent Volatile by Volume: 55-91 %
Vapor Density (AIR = 1): 6.4
Solubility in Water: Negligible
Evaporation Rate at: less than 0.1
Appearance and Odor: Black liquid, Mild odor
Flash Point (°F): 160°
Method: TCC
Flammable Limits: uel: 0.6 lel : 7.0 at 77°F
Extinguishing Media: Co2, Foam, dry chemical, water spray.
Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Avoid smoke inhalation. Water spray may cause frothing.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazard: None
Threshold Limit Value: 5mg/m3 for oil mist in air (OSHA Regulations 29 CFR 1910-1000)
Effects of Overexposure: No experience with overexposure.
Prolonged or repeated contact with skin or eye contact may cause irritation.
Inhalation of mist or vapor at high temperature may irritate respiratory passages.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures:
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water.
Eyes: Flush with water and consult a physician for treatment.
Inhalation of Smoke or Mist: Move to fresh air and refer to physician for treatment.
Ingestion: The material has minimal toxicity, but fluid aspirated into the lungs during ingestion could cause severe pulmonary injury.
You should not induce vomiting and should seek medical attention if the material is ingested.
Gloves should be worn while working with these ferrofluids. Please refer to MSDS sheet for health and safety information. THIS ITEM SHOULD NOT BE RE-SHIPPED BY END USER


2 people found this review helpful
These magnets really help hold the knife still when sharpening. I put one under each of the front corners on my machine. I drilled and countersunk the plastic, then used flat head screws to hold them in place.

2 people found this review helpful
I purchased four magnets. They hold blades in place perfectly with the Edge Pro Apex. This markedly improved my consistency in getting a uniform angle to sharpening. I used Epoxy paste to secure them after testing with painter's tape to make sure they worked.

2 people found this review helpful
I bought this magnet to add to my Edge Pro sharpener. I managed to attach it to the Edge Pro base with double faced tape. It holds the knife blade pretty well when using the Edge Pro. To improve the hold, I will probably buy another since there is room in the Edge Pro base to fit two of them. Jim

3 people found this review helpful
While the idea of a table magnet is a really good one, this magnet is not any more powerful that one that I can buy at my local hardware store for a couple of bucks, and none of these magnets (this one or the ones at my local hardware store) really have a significant amount of holding power. I'd definitely get a magnet, but I'm gonna modify my table to take a larger magnet for a stronger hold.

2 people found this review helpful
First of all extremely fast shipping and great costumer service. They do exactly what they are supposed todo. I recommend to buy a minimum of 2, there enough space for 4 but I think 3 would more than sufficient.

2 people found this review helpful
I have 2 of the magnets, and they are enough to firmly hold the knife on the tape. This is very convenient to hold the blade for you when you need to re wet/dress or flit your stone. This way you don't have to find a place to set the knife down. The only real issue I have is since everything is magnetized to the machine, all of your slurry/swarf tends to cling right to the grind on your blade, makes it harder to keep your painters tape dry, also makes it easier to make buff marks on your blade. It does keep your stones a bit cleaner though. Also another funny thing is by the time your done, your knife blade has become magnetized! haha kind of funny.

3 people found this review helpful
These magnets (I am using 2) really help to hold the knife in place. You still have to make sure your knife is held in the correct position. I do worry that the magnet will interfere with the angle cube (these magnets are not supposed to be used near computers), but it does not SEEM to interfere with the readings.

2 people found this review helpful
Ingenious little addition to the EP. I suggest buying two of them as there's just enough room to squeeze two of them underneath the Apex table, doubling your holding power. The only drawback i've found is that it'll collect metal dust from reprofiling which can scratch up your blade if you don't wipe the table clean or change your blue tape often.