Shapton Rockstar 4000 Grit Ceramic Sharpening Stone. Shapton Rockstar line is new for 2023 and is the pinnacle of ceramic sharpening stones. RockStar: a sharpening tool containing the distilled essence of Shapton’s skill
Powerful sharpening power to cope with even the hardest blades, while delivering a delicate, uniform finish. Quick to use – they recommend a quick soak – and with outstanding durability, to keep its surface in tip-top condition. The RockStar will improve your work efficiency and allow you to enjoy the pleasure of a first-rate sharpening experience.
The optional stainless-steel storage case blends in with any setting, storing your stone safely and beautifully. Just like the Glass Stones you sharpen these on the side with no writing. Dimensions:
Length:210 mm
Width:70 mm
Thickness:10 mm
Paritcle Size: 3 Micron
Made in Japan
Powerful sharpening power to cope with even the hardest blades, while delivering a delicate, uniform finish. Quick to use – they recommend a quick soak – and with outstanding durability, to keep its surface in tip-top condition. The RockStar will improve your work efficiency and allow you to enjoy the pleasure of a first-rate sharpening experience.
The optional stainless-steel storage case blends in with any setting, storing your stone safely and beautifully. Just like the Glass Stones you sharpen these on the side with no writing. Dimensions:


Posted By: Steve Hamley
1 people found this review helpful
I’ve been a Glass Stone HR and HC fan for years, the HR is the best option for cutting the modern wear-resistant knife steels. The HR are also the go to for hard straight razor steels because you can’t push very hard on a razor, so a fast HR is ideal for correcting razor geometry.
I bought the 4k Rock Star and it’s very similar to the 4k Glass Stone, but there are some differences.
- If they maintain the price point, these are an exceptional value
- There’s no glass backing, but we’ve been gluing synths to tiles and glass for years
- The 4k Rock star is rated at 3u, the 4k GS is rated at 3.68u
- It’s recommended on the Shapton site to soak the stone for 5-6 minutes before use to improve the feel. I’ve always left water on my glass stones for a few minutes before honing.
I’m looking forward to acquiring more of them.
1 people found this review helpful
I’ve been a Glass Stone HR and HC fan for years, the HR is the best option for cutting the modern wear-resistant knife steels. The HR are also the go to for hard straight razor steels because you can’t push very hard on a razor, so a fast HR is ideal for correcting razor geometry.
I bought the 4k Rock Star and it’s very similar to the 4k Glass Stone, but there are some differences.
- If they maintain the price point, these are an exceptional value
- There’s no glass backing, but we’ve been gluing synths to tiles and glass for years
- The 4k Rock star is rated at 3u, the 4k GS is rated at 3.68u
- It’s recommended on the Shapton site to soak the stone for 5-6 minutes before use to improve the feel. I’ve always left water on my glass stones for a few minutes before honing.
I’m looking forward to acquiring more of them.