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Ryan Rhodes1 people found this review helpful
I'm not a huge fan of Naniwa for reasons I won't get into but after hearing about this stone for so long I decided to grab one. This stone really has an excellent feel to it, I personally wouldn't classify the feedback as great but it's good enough. It feels very "forgiving" and smooth. It's harder than I expected to be honest. If you aren't a heavy handed sharpener you shouldn't have any problems with gouging or snow plowing this stone. This stone is capable of a finer finish than its 2k rating would suggest but at the same time it removes material fairly quickly (on the right steels). I've found it's at its best with cheap stainless steels and carbon steel that's not excessively hard. It really puts an excellent edge on your average western stainless kitchen knives. It doesn't do so hot with rich, high carbide steels though in my experience with it. It can do it but there are better options. I use it as a splash and go, it does not need a soak in my experience with it. It will drink a little bit and then it holds water on the surface very well. I'm pretty impressed with it, especially its ability to both touch up and finish stainless steels in one go Was this rating helpful to you?
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