Moritaka Hamono is based in Yatsushiro, Japan, and for more than seven centuries, Moritaka has dedicated itself to the meticulous crafting of hand-forged blades. The amount of expertise, heritage, and wisdom passed down through the generations of Moritaka Hamono blacksmiths is remarkable and evident in the production of this medium-sized petty knife. With 50/50 convex grinds and a meticulously treated core of Aogami Super steel, these kurouchi finished blades not only perform exceptionally well but also represent exceptional value due to their handcrafted nature and use of premium materials in the Supreme series.
Blacksmith: Moritaka Hamono
Location: Yatsushiro, Japan
Construction: San Mai, Hammer Forged
Edge Steel: Aogami Super Steel
Cladding: Soft Iron
Tang: Stainless Steel
Edge Grind: Even (See Choil Photo)
Finish: Kurouchi
Handle: Magnolia Octagonal
Ferrule: Buffalo Horn
Weight: 3.2 oz (90 g)
Edge Length: 211 mm
Total Length: 348 mm
Spine Thickness at Heel: 3.4 mm
Blade Height: 32.9 mm
Rockwell Hardness: 65 HRC